Jon Levy - Lessons from Dinner with the World’s Top Influencers

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Jon Levy spends time with some of the top influencers in the world and has become a behaviour and adventure expert. (as well as a top notch dinner host)


*And we end up hanging out with the people closest with us instead of the people with the best influence on us.

Jon shares the power of bringing the best people possible together and the massive influence it has on your quality of life and business. And since Jon has experience working with some of the highest level influencers on the planet (actors, gold medal winners, etc) he shares some rules of thumb for a great experience.

Jon’s tips for better interaction with high level people:

  • Don’t put people on a pedestal.
  • Talk about new and interesting topics.
  • Offer something of novelty.
  • Put people in the state of wonder.


Create Viral Events

Jon helps companies create memorable events that better connect people and build up loyalty. He shares a little bit about how he does that and what you should know about.

A large part of his knowledge comes from hosting influencer dinners which we talk extensively about. How he walks up to people he doesn’t know and builds rapport to a level where they’ll actually show up at his house and cook dinner with other guests. It’s a fascinating story and something that can apply in so many ways to your business or personal life.


Make sure to check out…

Jon’s Website

Jon on Twitter

AJ Jacobs

Designer Health Centers

Jon on Twitter



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