All posts tagged "Vision"
Dr. Jones | August 9, 2022
Blow Your Mind with Oz Pearlman: How to Always Be One Step Ahead of Everybody Else
We have a true superhuman guest this week, named Oz Pearlman. He is a high-level entrepreneur and also...
Dr. Jones | April 7, 2022
Gillian Mandich- How To Be Happier Than Winning a 100 Million Dollar Lottery
Today we’re talking to holistic health expert Gillian Mandich about how happiness impacts our overall health and success...
Dr. Jones | December 29, 2021
Aaron Walker: From Ordinary to Extraordinary
Today’s guest Aaron Walker started his career as an entrepreneur at 13. Nearly 40 years later he’s run...
Dr. Jones | November 28, 2022
Bill Harris: Achieving Awareness and Accessing Flow State with Holosync Meditation
Bill Harris is the founder of Centerpointe Research Institute and creator of Holosync, a revolutionary audio program that...
Dr. Jones | October 24, 2022
Natalie Ledwell - Visualizing the Future You Want
Natalie Ledwell is an author, speaker, and the co-founder of Mind Movies, a company that has helped over...
Dr. Jones | August 22, 2022
Book Review of Tribes by Seth Godin to Help You Improve Your Tribe
What you can do to build your own tribe. One of the most important aspects of creating a...
Dr. Jones | August 15, 2022
Kriss Bergethon : Boosting Your Creativity and Output by Using the Goal Tree
Kriss was financially successful but not personally successful in his first multi million dollar construction business. In 2007...