Sarica Cernohous - How to Take the Drudgery out of Preparing Fermented Foods.

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Traditional Chinese practitioner, Sarica educates us on the importance of knowing how your body breaks food down and learning from our ancestors and how they ate while being nutritious all at the same time. Explains how important it is to not limit your body from everything but only minimize it for a short amount of time.

Pre-Digestion Methods

- Low heat dehydration is a powerful preservation method that benefits our pancreas and gut.

- Sprouting, allowing a little bit of sprout to begin on a grain or bean.

- Bone broth. You’re looking at components of an animal that you wouldn’t normally eat, that our ancestors use to eat. Bones or cartilaginous tissue or even the vitamin content of these types of foods is very different from the animal meat cuts.

For our ancestors we had huge expenditures of energy. Every component was used – leaving nothing to waste. These are the components of healthy cell structure that are devoid in the modern diet.

Leaky Gut Patterns: The busyness of our lives we are sympathetic dominant. We are not in a place where we are able to break down the proteins and the fats, which can be inflammatory to the system. To get into the pesticides ability for use to procreate is quite high! Basic discussion around processed foods and how difficult it is for our bodies to digest.

Foods are not becoming humanized, meaning they aren’t being broken down properly and aren’t being absorbed.

What aspects of your modern life are toxic to the overall health of your body?

Often the foods we crave the most are also the ones that are the most reactive and dangerous in our body.

When a person ferments something such as dairy to make kefir, preferably whole fat, grass fed, when you add to it beneficial bacteria where you create yogurt out of that milk. What you do is you take a dead food and make it alive again through the process of fermentation your getting a new bacterial and enzymatic profile.

Weston Price and his wife studied people throughout the world in remote areas where he would see changes happening within the dental structure within these people. He made a very good case for the connection from diet to overall wellness.

He would compare people in the rural communities to people IN the rural communities that have started eating processed foods.

Our bodies are very wise, and if we’ve been keeping things out of our bodies for a very long time we haven’t produced the enzymes to digest those foods properly again.

Predigestion of a soaking period, filled with a fermentation starter that we are allowing beneficial bacteria to cleave out the carbs to simpler sugars, and cleaving out the complex protein structures to amino acids and peptides.

How to create your own fermented foods

1. Ancestrial Variatles of Grain = Whole Grain of Rye, Spelt, Kamut, Incorn - I get larger bags and go through everything in 2 to 3 months.

2. Put Grain or Bread Mill, fermentation starter celtic or himalayan salt with water and ferment that for a couple of days at room temperature. Always maintain the integrity of the process.

Ancestors had preparation processes of grains, beans and bread.  Taking a pause period is important. When you pull all the pancakes, you start eating coconut flour pancakes and almond flour bread.

Eating too much of the foods that we aren’t meant to consume.

The flavor profile changes when you ferment these foods don’t be alarmed. Standard ways of cooking it makes it very sweet. Fermenting foods you get tart, but they don’t continue to enforce the drive for the sweet flavor profile.


Make sure to check out…

Sarica’s Website

Book - The Funky Kitchen

Sarica’s Twitter

Book - Nutrition and Physical Degeneration

Weston Price Foundation

Company Komo in Germany

Pleasant Hill Grain

Real Fuel Foods

Water Kefir - Kavita

Donna Gates


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