How To Boost HGH 1300-2000% Through Intermittent Fasting

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I’m about to review one of the most cutting-edge life extension and disease prevention strategies on earth.

Our ancestors have been following these strategies for thousands of years.

Recent research suggests that intermittent fasting turns on anti-aging pathways, causes hormone and metabolic regulation that will help you lose any excess weight. Furthermore, intermittent fasting helps prevent diabetes, heart disease and even cancer! 1,2, 3

From the forefront, I must say, that intermittent fasting is not for everyone, as you will see. However, it’s much less intimidating than it sounds, and it’s one of the most rewarding lifestyle strategies that you could implement! It helps to control cravings, normalize hormones, increase anti-aging pathways and prevent disease.

The essence of intermittent fasting is fasting regularly for 14-18 hours per day. Since my wife and I started a little over a year ago, we have been averaging 16 hours per day, where we eat 2-3 meals within an 8 hour time frame (usually 10am - 6pm). Some people skip breakfast or dinner all together and just have 2 meals in a given day. The longest period of time that you would fast for is 36 hours.

Intermittent fasting is very good for weight loss because of the positive impact it has on your metabolism. Not all fasting is created equal. Many forms of extreme fasting is actually detrimental to your body.

Fasting Is Accusatorially Built Into Your DNA 

Our hunting and gathering ancestors would fast long hours between meals and sometimes even fast for a day or so until the caught or found their next meal. This took place over thousands of years and it is during this time frame that our DNA was programmed, based on living this lifestyle over this period of time.

The power of intermittent fasting is that it shifts your body from being a sugar burner into being a fat burner. Combine this strategy with following fat burning nutrition plans, and you’re on the road to accelerated fat loss.

Skyrocket Weight-Loss And Increase Your Health with Intermittent Fasting

It takes around six to eight hours after you eat for your body to burn through the glycogen stores (sugar stores) in your body before you start burning fat for energy.

Every time you eat, you replenish these “sugar stores”, so in order to start using fat as your fuel for energy you have to wait that 6 hour period.

The hormone in your body that tells you to “stop eating” is leptin. Leptin also tells your body to burn fat when you’re not eating. When you shift your body into becoming a fat burning you eat less calories (which you will learn later is one of the greatest gifts to anti-aging).

How can you maintain 14-18 hours of not eating? Well, when your body transitions into being a fat burner, you have less cravings for food. This keeps you stay lean, helps maintain lean body tissue (and even gain muscle if done correctly), and reduce the aging process.

Fasting also helps to normalize hormones through allowing the body to heal the receptors on the cell membrane. Remember, insulin resistance is a cellular receptor problem. The insuline is in the blood but the cells aren’t hearing it (this progresses into Type 2 Diabetes). In rat studies it has been shown that intermittent fasting helps to normalize hormonal and cellular health, where calorie restriction couldn’t.4

Dr. Dan Pompa, an expert in cellular healing says:

 You may be thinking: “How do I fix my hormones?”  I have said it for years now: In order to fix the hormones, you must fix the receptors to the hormones which reside on your cells.  Inflammation blunts these receptors, and the hormones cannot get their message to the cell. 

When you combine our anti-inflammatory nutrition plan with intermittent fasting, you heal cellular receptors and essentially “fix” hormone signaling. When you do this, you can help prevent diseases from cancer to diabetes and help your body get to its ideal weight.

Intermittent Fasting Skyrockets Human Growth Hormone Up To 1300% In Women and 2000% In Men

Recent research found fasting raises HGH by 2,000 percent in men and 1,300 percent in women! 5

Anyone interested in burning fat and reducing the aging process should be very interested in Human Growth Hormone (HGH). Here are some benefits:

  • Builds and maintains muscle mass
  • Burns adipose tissue (burns fat)
  • Maximizes exercise capacity
  • Increases bone density
  • Enhanced immune system
  • Optimizes mood and well-being
  • Has power anti-aging abilities

I will be writing and shooting videos extensively on how to increase HGH through various means, but fasting is certainly one of the most powerful strategies to boost these levels. I tell my Health Participants, “If you want to maximize human growth hormone excretion while your sleeping, then don’t eat dinner right before you go to bed.”

Drinking alcohol and eating food late into the night will shunt the secretion of HGH. Furthermore, you will be promoting fat storage versus fat burning. And depending on the food you eat you, you can turn your body into a sugar burner, which depletes your energy and causes hormone imbalances.

Intermittent Fasting Helps Turn Anti-Aging Pathways On In Your Body

There are numerous studies from years of research that support the life extending effects of caloric restriction.

Have you’ve heard of the “Blue Zones” around the world? Blue Zones are the places in the world where you find humans that are the healthiest and live the longest. It is there that you find that most people that live the longest consume CRON diet.

C- Calorie
R- Restrictive
O- Optimal
N- Nutrition

People in these Blue Zones aren’t trying to cut their calories, rather, they eat whole foods, and eat until they are full. When the nutrient-to-calorie ratio is high your body becomes satiated faster. In contrast, the standard western diet (SAD), is depleted of whole food nutrients and high in empty calories.

When you start to experiment with intermittent fasting you help to heal hormone signaling pathways within your body and naturally consume less calories.

It is important to note that calorie restriction has never been proven to be successful for long-term weight-loss, unless it is driven by hormonal changes that help to reduce the desire to eat. This is where intermittent fasting comes into play.

Why Most People Shouldn’t Follow Intermittent Fasting

I would venture to say that intermittent fasting is for a small percentage of the population. If you’re reading this article than that would probably be you.

Studies have show that intermittent fasting human trial differ from animal trials in a negative way. The flaws in the study are twofold:

  1. The subjects were un-naturally force fed different amounts of calories
  2. The subjects were consuming the SAD diet (50% carbs, 14.5% protein and 1% fiber)

Hello?! Does anyone else see any problems with the way the American Society for Nutrition and other institutes have set up there study? It’s humorous isn’t it?

Intermittent fasting is not for you if:

  1. You consume the SAD
  2. You consume a good amount of higher glycemic foods (even fruits)
  3. You consume starchy low fiber foods

When you consume the high carbohydrate, low protein, and low fiber, your throw your hormones out of whack. Here is side effects of such a diet:

  • You become a sugar burner thereby storing fat and gaining weight
  • You increase the level and frequency of cravings throughout the day
  • You shatter energy levels

All of this inhibits you from getting any benefit from intermittent fasting. You can only follow this strategy when you:

  1. Consume the proper food ratios (High fiber, high protein & low carbs): Protein secretes the largest amount of PYY in the small and large intestine, which increases satiation (the feeling of being full). This ratio has been proven to resist hunger and promote satiety. The perfect combination for intermittent fasting. Furthermore, low carbs help to normalize insulin levels and turn on your fat burning metabolism.
  2. Low glycemic foods: If you were to try and follow the intermittent fasting strategy through eating bananas, watermelon and grapes the whole time, I would say that you’re setting yourself up for failure. You can still have fruits, but consume them in moderation and try and stick with the low glycemic options most of the time.
  3. Quality foods are essential: Protein from grass fed, fresh water and free range animals are essential. They should be chemical and preservative-free, ideally organic from nutrient rich whole food sources.

Intermittent fasting is one of the most rewarding health strategies I’ve ever followed. If you can make this a part of your lifestyle and follow the guidelines above, your health will be taken to the next level!

Note To Women Wanting To Turn Anti-Aging Pathways On While Getting Pregnant

Lately I’ve been reading some fascinating research reviews by one of the most well known intermittent fasting experts in the world. Ori Hofmekler is the author of several books on fasting and said there is a slight trade off in virility and longevity in females:

Apparently the same genes that promote human longevity may trigger biological mechanisms that suppress female reproductive capacity.

… fasting and intense exercise protocols, known to promote longevity, also lower estrogen level and thereby modulate body composition and suppress female reproductive capacity. This is apparently part of an early adaption mechanism to primordial conditions of food scarcity and hardship, which requires increased strength and durability on the account of reproductivity. Hence, hard conditions are not biologically suitable times for pregnancy and child bearing.

This advice would be for women that are becoming so lean that they are losing most of their adipose tissue. I’ve trained with female olympic athletes who hadn’t had their period in years because the adipose tissue couldn’t produce enough estrogen to do so.  He goes on:

I discussed this issue with Dr. Marc Mattson, Prof. of Neurosciences at Johns Hopkins University a few years ago. According to Mattson, women who fast or are on calorie restriction, have the tendency to get leaner, become increasingly addicted to physical exercise… Nonetheless, they seem to gain substantial improvements in all main biological markers of longevity – i.e. increased insulin sensitivity, increased GH secretion, improved lipid profile, improved anti-inflammatory cytokine profile, improved cognitive function, etc.

Again, this would only happen for women that are following the intermittent lifestyle and exercises strategies religiously. Most of my Health Participants implement intermittent fasting throughout the week days and not typically during the weekends. Furthermore, all of my female Health Participants aren’t restricting their calories to the point where their bodies don’t hold onto enough adipose tissue to have healthy cycles. If you were to look at them you would say they look beautiful and lean, but certainly not unhealthy.

Conclusion: Dr. Jones’s Personal Intermittent Fasting Experience & Summary

I’ve been following the intermittent fasting strategy for just over a year now, and have had some incredible results! My energy started to increase even more, I started getting more rejuvenating sleeps and I’ve never been so ripped in my life. Even when I was pre-olympic qualifying in the 800m dash, I wasn’t as lean as I am now.

Furthermore, I’ve noticed that I’ve gained a few pounds of muscle (to learn more about  how click here).

In summary, intermittent fasting is not for everyone. It’s only for people that are already living a healthy lifestyle design and that to use a tool to take their health to the next level.

Here are the major takeaways:

  • Intermittent fasting reduces your risk of heart disease, diabetes and cancer
  • It does not work for those that eat the SAD or consume high glycemic foods
  • Intermittent fasting is optimized when you follow a high fiber, high protein, and low carbohydrate nutrition strategy (All the nutritional details can be found the two nutrition plans found in my program ReNew
  • The longest you would fast for when following this strategy would be for 36 hours, however the more common strategy is to eat 2 or 3 healthy, satisfying meals within a 6-8 hour time frame
  • If you are a women that is already lean and you’re looking to have a baby, I would recommend revisiting this strategy between and after carrying your children

The last thing I would recommend is to seek the advice of a physician before making any lifestyle change especially if you have a current medical condition.

If you liked this article, please share it with those you love. Have an incredible day!

In Health & Love,




Dr. Jones


1. Fernando M. Safdie, et. al. “Fasting and cancer treatment in humans: A case series report.” Aging 2009

2. Siegel I, et. al. “Effects of short-term dietary restriction on servivial of mammary ascites tumor-bearing rats.” Cancer Invest. 1998

3. Louiza Belkacemi, et al. ” Intermittent Fasting Modulation of the Diabetic Syndrome in Streptozotocin-Injected Rates” Internal Journal of Endocrinology. 2012

4. “Study finds routine periodic fasting is good for health, and your heart.” Intermountain Medical Center, 2011


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