Brett Hagler - How to Build 1000 Organic Gardens and School and 200,000 Homes and Income Generating Opportunities for People in “Hell Holes” in the Next 10 Years

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Today’s guest Brett created a start up and raised ½ a million. Started a marketing firm and most recently started New Story a non-profit that crowdfunds homes for families for $6,000.00 from tent slums to beautiful sustainable communities. From his first start up he learned he was solving problems for something that wasn’t that big of a pain point. He could get press and partnerships, but it wasn’t something that people were completely obsessed with.

How New Story Happened

100% of the donation goes to the houses that you are building. Brett never thought he would be starting up a non-profit. He went on a mission trip to Haiti and saw how challenging the situation was. Just imagine the worst thing you could think of and multiply that by 10. Children in these slums are being raped, people are being murdered and there is no sustainability.

Y combinator is a company funding early stage startups and is harder to get into than Harvard, Standford and the Navy Seals. It’s responsible for launching Stripe, AirBnB and Drop Box. Y combinator is a 3 month all out sprint for start up companies during the summer.

At the beginning of the program you are suppose to hit an ambitious goal. Up until Y combinator they have built 12 homes, and they came up with the goal of doing 50. With the support of the people at Y Combinator they were able to 100 homes in 91 days and that ended up building a new home in haiti. Their 10 year vision as a number seems pretty scary… it seems very audacious, but also attainable.

In 10 years we are going to build 1000 communities.

Why are is he and his team doing this? It’s not about building homes. That’s why it’s not called “homes for humanity”. If you can go in and take a 9 year old kid who’s born with so much intelligence but has no opportunity, his ability to reach his God given potential, is gone…

They are living in a “hell hole” and his team can unlock the potential for that one kid. And they can unlock their potential so that they can be what they are born to be.

New Story’s thesis is that homes are the foundation for a thriving community. Once you have homes, that will create opportunities for growth. We will then build a school to educate people about sustainable agriculture, microfactories where they will partner with retail based US companies where they are supplying jobs through a factory. And have a partner who is giving microloans.

Preventing communities from erosion due to corruption and gangs.

Pick the right location.
Have a moral conduct that has to be withheld within the community.

The reason why you want to give to New Story is because of transparency and authenticity. From day one they will show you exactly who you’re helping, exactly where 100% of your money is going, and what the end result looks like.

Jim Collins wrote a book called “Good to Great” is to give “the most transparent giving experience possible.” At the end of the day, the donors are the hero’s here. It’s not the non-profit. You are the hero!

Homes have generational impact, you are impacting future generations. With New Story homes, comes income opportunities, schools and clean water. Kids can’t go to school, because they don’t have life’s most basic needs.

How Can You Help

The first thing that you could do is consider funding a home as a family or as a friend. One home is only $6,000.00. You can see impact data after your donation. You can also create a digital campaign for your birthday, for your anniversary and the third option would be to get your business involved.

Make sure to check out…

Brett’s Website - New Story

Brett’s Twitter

New Story

Book - Good to Great

Y Combinator

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