Jenné Claiborne - Health Coach Cooking Instructor & Vegan Chef Overcomes Personal Health Issues

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Jenné Claiborne’s is the founder of Sweet Potato Soul a website dedicated to helping you upgrade your food, so you can maximize your brain function and overall vitality. We’re going to talk about her journey with food, how she’s built her business, and her best hacks for finding a personal chef for yourself.

Before finding out how food could transform her personal health issues Jenné was on antidepressants and struggling with chronic fatigue syndrome. She then went through a complete transformation and was able to reach her ideal body weight, transform her health and vitality all while on a shoestring budget.

After becoming a vegetarian Jenné had noticeably more energy. Previously she struggled with severe lethargy and had to drink multiple shots of espresso, coke zero and caffeine every day.


Along the way Jenné started her own food blog - Sweet Potato Soul.

We talk about how to take your hobby on the side and the slow steps you can take toward becoming an entrepreneur.

Your brand can be just YOU. Your sense of style and the way you look at your product, business - needs to be visually engaging. Enhance your business by better marketing YOU and who YOU are so your consumers/followers can better engage with you.

Vegan Lifestyle

Truly upgrade your performance through a vegan lifestyle. We talk about how to have the benefits of good food without spending 50 hours a week in the kitchen.

Fresh Vegetable HackBuy a bunch of greens - to keep them fresher 2-3x longer you can either cook them right away or stick them in a jar of water and cover it with plastic. keep them fresh for longer (either cook them right away) or stick them in a jar of water and cover it with plastic!

How to Keep It Simple While Eating Healthy

A look into Jenné’s everyday favorites: fresh cooked beans or lentils (canned is good too) a grain - quinoa or brown rice, some sort of green like kale or spinach chop it up into really small pieces or throw it into the food processor with the beans or lentils and it makes a sort of hummus on top of the grain. Top it off with kimchi, drizzle of tahini or avocado and you have a meal that shouldn’t take more than 5-10 mins or prep time full of nutrients.

Always keep things prepared in your refrigerator and pantry - Cook everything at the same time to save time.

Develop a love for whole food plant based diet - all natural foods we are intended to it versus foods we are not meant to eat - Food is literally communication. When you put bad food into your body you are giving your body bad messages which causes toxic gene expression, good food can shift your gene expression - Energy boosting high performing genes.

Ways to hack the Personal Chef System for Entrepreneurs and Exectuives:

  • Download free meal plan and recipes - Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner in one Spot
  • Go on Craigslist hire someone to
  • Culinary Schools - asking for alumni contacts or individuals who are just graduating may not charge as much as they will want referrals, recommendations, practicing. May only need them to come once or twice a week to prepare everything for a couple of days.
  • Thumbtack
  • Task Rabbit App

Sleep is very important to minimize stress, 7 hours at minimum. Flux is put onto her computer around 8pm, face mask, keep the room nice and cool, make sure you are very comfortable so you will sleep well. Cava - herb helps reduce stress, helps relax. Magnesium - helps any muscle fatigue or soreness.

Focus on your body and take care of yourself so you don’t miss days or get sick and you can show up for others.

If you sit at a desk all day than HIIT - High Intensity Interval Training is great to do for 10 - 15 mins. Some things you could do right next to your work space are squats, star jumps, burpees, mountain climbers, jumping jacks.

Sleep and Stress Reduction - EXERCISE is the most important, just stay active if there isn’t time for a full exercise schedule.

Make sure to check out…

Sweet Potato Soul’s Website

Jenné’s Youtube Channel


Jenné Claiborne Instagram

Nourishing Vegan

YouTube Studio App

National Gourmet Culinary School


Dr. Dean Ornish - UC Berkeley




Interview with Ben Greenfield



Fitness Blender on YouTube


Kriss Did Sweet Potato Soul Website



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